Saturday, January 14, 2012

DAP Kata ALLAH Siapa Punya?

DAP mengeluarkan kenyataan tersebut dalam web The Rocket lidah rasminya, yang dikatakan antara penentangan kerajaan BN dengan rakyat.

Whose Allah is it?

A thorny issue in multi-religious Malaysia, religious rows have oft evoked the most emotional response from citizens of various backgrounds. In 2007 The Herald, a Catholic newspaper, filed a suit against the government seeking to use the word Allah, arguing that the word should not exclusive to Islam.

After intense public scrutiny and tense debate in the media, the court ruled in favor of The Herald. The ruling emphasized that use of the "Allah" by Christians is protected by the constitution as long as it is not used to proselytize Muslims.

DAP mengeluarkan kenyataan tersebut dalam web The Rocket lidah rasminya, yang dikatakan antara penentangan kerajaan BN dengan rakyat. Siapa rakyat? Yang tidak menyokong Allah digunakan oleh Kristian bukan rakyat Malaysia kah?

Begitu mudah DAP mengklasifikasi siapa rakyat dan siapa bukan rakyat. Inilah dia parti yang bakal memimpin Malaysia sekiranya Pakatan Rakyat memenangi PRU 13.

Mereka menggambarkan usaha menyelamatkan kalimah Allah dari digunakan oleh penganut Kristian (semenanjung) dilakukan oleh kerajaant BN dan pembaca The Rocket semestinya bukan kalangan penyokong PAS di ceruk kampung sana.

Ini juga gambaran bahawa mereka memomokkan kepada pengundi Kristian di belakang mereka supaya menentang Barisan Nasional dan hasil imbuhan politik ini jugalah PAS dikaburi dari melihat niat hati mereka.


TC: Sesuka hati mak bapak kafir harbi ni..


  1. Saya nak tahu juga pendapat dari sekutu PR? Apa pulak hujah mereka dalam perkara ini?

    Sebagai org Islam, dari kecil saya diajar membaca Bismillah yang bermaksud dengan nama Allah...

  2. Allah siapa punya ?.

    Saya ingin kata, yang orang pertama menggunakan Allah sebut Tuhan ialah orang Yahudi, yang kedua ialah orang Kristian dan last sekali orang Muslim.

    Orang pertama mengguna Allah tidak kata Allah dia punya, orang last mengguna kata dia punya. Macam mana ini ?

  3. Allah in fact not a proper noun. It was used to refer to the Judaism God and the the Christian also use to refer to God.

    1400 over years ago, there came a religion known as Islam. As this Islam also rooted in Arab, they also use Allah to refer to God.

    So far so good, he called his father "pa", I called my father "pa" and you also called your father "pa". As the word "pa" is a common noun, just like Allah.

    Can can you said, you are not my father children, you can not called your father "pa".

    So the same as the stupid Barisan Nasional passed the law said "non muslims are not allowed to use the word "Allah".

    What is the defination of "non-muslims", is it include the Jews and the Christians ?. If the answer is "yes", the the law is a "bad law". As good law cannot have any effect on the existing practice. Because the Jews and the Christians used to refer their God as Allah for thousands of years. Now, you made a bad law said "you cannot called your father "pa".

    The law that forbide the Jews and Christians to used Allah is in fact has no effect. It is outlaw.
